7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
The PERFECT way to start your morning. Yoga on the Beach.

1 hour

Yoga, FitnessFitness, GeneralGeneral

Costa D'Este
3244 Ocean Dr
Vero Beach, FL 32962

Yoga on the Beach at Costa d'Este is the perfect way to start off the morning.  Check in at the pool lobby and the attendant will provide you with a sheet, mat and microfiber towel (for removing sand).   Then go to the beach and get set up.

This is an all level yoga class.  Class starts at 7 am and we meet rain or shine.  If it's raining we go to a covered pavilion and if it's cold we will meet in the hotels fitness room.

It's good to bring sunglasses, bug or sunscreen and your water.  All other items will be provided.

Want to make this a regular event?  Call the hotels spa and purchase a punch card 10 classes for $$60.00.

Drop in fee is $10.00 cash (exact change is recommended.)

Find out more -Costa d'Este